
If you can't beat 'em...

You know that old stand-by you use when you're trying to convince the parentals to let you do something that they clearly aren't going to let you do? "But Mom/Dad, EVERYONE'S doing it!!!" Well, it kind of seems like everyone is blogging these days, so I figured I'd just bite the bullet and do it.

Clearly my life isn't anywhere as exciting as moving to NYC and spotting random celebrities or seeing life through a set of two year old eyes again, but I've had some pretty exciting things going on lately, good and bad. Plus, some of you don't get to listen to me vent nearly enough these days so I'm re-subscribing to the ever popular Kindergarten mantra: sharing is caring!


Sydney said...

you know that you are so not going to keep up with this. you never go online. just saying!

Gramama said...

Now Sydney,don't be so negative! Good luck Megan.

Megs said...

um, here's the thing. I am kind of online EVERY DAY!!! I'll keep up with it, don't you worry your silly little head about that.
p.s. thanks for the faith, Mom!